Foster Care: Lived Experience & Advocacy
শুক্র ১৯ মে
|FreeeedomTour Cafe
FT has the honor of hosting a panel discussion with You Gotta Believe, in honor of Foster Care Awareness Month. Come exhale with us, Beloved.
Time & Location
১৯ মে, ২০২৩, ৬:০০ PM – ৭:৩০ PM GMT -৪
FreeeedomTour Cafe
About the event
Topic: Foster Care: Lived Experience & Advocacy
Friday, May 19, 2023
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm EST
FreeeedomTour Cafe on Zoom
Friday, May 19, we have another opportunity create our sacred space. Our sanctuary. This time, we have the honor of hosting a panel discussion with You Gotta Believe, in honor of Foster Care Awareness Month. This session is to elevate the experiences and voices of youth who have or still are experiencing foster care. Through questions, reflection, connection, and writing, we build intentional community with one another, center our wellness, peace, and joy. We breathe and release, together. Looking forward to breathing together again.
Love, balance, and protection to you and your LoveNest ❤❤❤ 💋❤💃🏾