Throat Chakra - Open Mic IV
শনি ১৮ মার্চ
Let's open up these throat chakras and speak what's on our hearts and in our minds.
Time & Location
১৮ মার্চ, ২০২৩, ৭:০০ PM – ৯:৩০ PM GMT -৪
Rahway, Rahway, NJ 07065, USA
About the event
Join FreeeedomTour for Throat Chakra Open mic night. Come through to get on the mic, support who's on the mic, just be in the vibe or some combination. The night will gift us with featured poet(s), an opportunity to chill and write if you'd like, and an invitation to hop on the mic. PLUS, dope vendors.
Throat Chakra Open
Open Mic Night
Saturday, March 18, 2023
7:00 pm to 9:30 pm EST
FreeeedomTour Cafe in person!
A space for folks to see THEMselves, hear THEMselves, and utter life into THEIR own truths. SPEAK life at Throat Chakra Open mic. In gratitude, we look forward to breathing together. Love, balance, and protection to you and your Lovenest ❤❤❤ .💋❤💃🏾